Latest work



Hunting on water
Motherly love
Checking the web
In the web
Bordered orb web spider (Neoscona adianta) in the heather
Wrapping the food
Early morning spider
Orb weaver spider (Neoscona adianta) on a web
Lemon snail (Cepea nemoralis) on a dead stem
Nescona adianta spider on a web in the vegetation
Dewy silhouette
Spider (Neoscona adianta) on a web in the heather
Female Pardosa sp spider with egg sac
Waiting around
In your face
Labyrinth spider (Agelena labryinthica) in a web
Sliding through the grass
Sliding by
Grove snail (Cepaea nemoralis) on a stem
Garden snail (Cornu aspersum) on the ground
Grove snail (Cepaea nemoralis) in the grass
Resting on the seeds
Greay S-veined snail-killer (Elgiva cucularia) on a stem
Cleaning the tongue
Feeding in the Autumn sun
Hoverfly (Eristalis pertinax) on a yellow flower
Backlit wasp species sitting on a lead
Orange tailed fly
Head on
Moustached fly
Close up of a flesh fly
Fly side
Fly feeding
Is that a wasp?
Look at those antennae
Yellow dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria) on fabric
Hoverfly (Helophilus pendulus) on a yellow flower
Sawfly (Dolerus) on a reed
European crane fly (Tipula paludosa)
Cleaning the feet
Close up of the head and eye of a flesh fly
Dark edged bee fly (Bombylius major) laying eggs
Cleaning the feet
Feeding on the flowers
Alderfly (Sialis lutaria) at sunrise